Behind every successful property there is a strong team.

We're: Lawyers, Engineers, Controllers, Real estate agents. But above all we are a team. As generalists, we have extensive knowledge of all the details of a construction process, as well as a pronounced passion for real estate.

Tilo Krause
Founder & Managing Director
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Construction is a matter of trust.

Tilo Krause is at home in real estate law. For this reason, or despite it, his passion for the implementation of real estate projects is so big that he founded Eqviva together with Rainer Bahr from Econcept in 2013 and since then has managed real estate processes holistically. No one knows as well as he does: "Of course, good contracts are needed, but construction is and remains a matter of trust."

Emily Zimmer
Contract Management
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Communcation is one key to success.

"As a psychologist I like to be right in the middle, when it is the task to collectively work out the complex challenges of real estate projects". Says Emily Zimmer, who holds true to the characteristic principle of Eqviva when handling a project objective: The interests of the builder has to be brought in harmony with all involved parties. Only those who convince in collaboration, are readily willing to work on future projects with mutual trust together.
Dirk Schubert
Project Manager
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Swift decision making is a fine thing.

20 years of Museumsinsel/Berlin - after this construction management experience, nothing can really surprise the civil engineer Dirk Schubert. Even if the Eqviva projects are not (yet) quite as world-famous, they have other advantages that should not be underestimated: private clients, more co-creation and much shorter, more direct decision-making paths.
Dominika Plümpe
Project Management Team
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A good Idea needs to be expertly fulfilled.

For the last 15 years Dominika Plümpe is a passionate architect and specialist for tendering and bidding. She knows: Who successfully wants to realize an ambitious draft, needs to internalize and stick to predetermined processes. We see to it, that the development process is planed thoroughly to the end, gets transposed into a comprehensive performance specification, and is consequently executed on the construction site. Only an engaged grapple for quality, pricing, and deadlines in all phases of the project-realization ensures success.
Isobel Egan
Dipl-Ingenieurin und Architektin (AK Berlin)
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Isobel Egan liebt ihren Beruf als Architektin,

weil er so vielfältig ist, weil man nie auslernt und immer wieder Neues entdeckt, weil man sich mit Menschen, Materialien, Ästhetik und Rechtsfragen auseinandersetzt, egal ob draußen oder im Büro, weil sie die Herausforderungen auf der Baustelle aktiv annimmt und Lösungen zusammen mit den Firmen findet. Aber auch weil ihre ellenlange Exceltabellen, die ein Projekt strukturieren und ordnen, keine Angst machen, sondern Freude bereiten. Und natürlich, weil die Arbeit in unserem Team Spaß macht.

Marco Schmidt
Project Leader
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The claim is holistic.

Completed doesn’t always mean finished. Even when the construction measures have long been completed, the residents have moved in and the plants in the new garden have started to grow, his role as a project manager is not yet finished. Marco Schmidt is and remains the contact person for everyone, even after the property inspection. After all, nobody knows the property better than he does. He is there from the first construction drawing to the last stone, monitors the construction progress, the schedule and the costs. It is precisely this holistic approach that the graduate engineer (for building technology) appreciates at Eqviva.
Lutz Hüning
Project Management Team
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Focusing on the important.

Lutz Hüning is an architect with grand passion. His daily Yin and Yang is balancing the demands and visions of builder, architect, and construction professionals: A high regard for the whole, coupled with a sense for every detail. Evaluation of complex layers hidden in seemingly simple concepts. To ascetically refine in the boundaries of the fixed cost framework. Connected by permanent communication and a healthy portion of pragmatism.
Ilka Lilienthal
Office Management
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The good mood front desk.

Office Management at Eqviva is a care free package. Ilka Lilienthal supports everyone in everything. She applies for building permits, handles accounting and is familiar with every project. In short, she knows everything. And everyone knows she knows everything. This is not only very convenient it also puts the team in a good mood.
Angelika Schinkel
Human Resources & Finance
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The people behind the projects.

She's the only one at Eqviva who doesn't care about the projects, she cares about the people who take care of the projects. Angelika Schinkel is in charge of personnel management for the real estate company. Tilo Krause has known her for a long time: 18 years! She managed the law firm of the founder of Eqviva and witnessed Tilo’s passion for real estate and the development of the company from the very beginning. Finally, she also switched to Eqviva.

Same boss, but with a new, fine team!

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